With more than 35 years in project management working on and leading projects at various levels such as growing small businesses, volunteering on school and community projects, developing a project management strategy and leading various projects that created three separate businesses in the food manufacturing, retail and the hospitality and service industry. Desiree will apply her experiences starting with how she was able to manage multiple projects on strict timelines culminating with standing up two new organizations within the largest business in the world. After that, the sky is the limit and she was off charting a new course into the amazing world of agriculture. What Desiree will share offers limitless possibilities for women to not only become involved with but clearly lead project management processes and help shape and mold our meat industry.
Project management is a necessity for any organization to function and grow and Desiree shares that if you have ever planned a family vacation then you have already been involved with project management. Desiree will take us on a journey of discovering the basics of project management; offer tips on how you can get more involved and be asked to be included in project management at various levels to include your industry or specialty. She will explain the possibilities and opportunities that are available for you and share some tips and practical lessons learned.
So sit back and enjoy being immersed into the world of project management on July 21st at 2pm EST. Stick around after the webinar for discussion in breakout groups to continue the conversation in a more intimate setting and get to know some of your fellow WMIN members!